Sports IV Therapy$375.00 Duration 1 Hour
Recover Fast & Boost Your Workout
The sports and athletic IVs are geared to make for a faster recovery after intense physical activity such as a marathon or a kickboxing match. The body builds up lactic acid from oxygen depletion during intense activity and switches to anaerobic metabolism.
Faster Recovery from Your Workout
The sports and athletic IVs are geared to make for a faster recovery after intense physical activity such as a marathon or a kickboxing match. The body builds up lactic acid from oxygen depletion during intense activity and switches to anaerobic metabolism. This can lead to lactic acidosis which may cause inflammation , pain later and poor post event endurance issues. In addition to lactic acidosis, there can be a resulting electrolyte imbalance which can responsible for: muscle spasms, twitches and weakness, feeling very thirsty, Insomnia heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats , digestive issues like cramps, constipation or diarrhea, joint and bone pains as well as blood pressure changes. Seems like a lot of problems but in severe cases of electrolyte imbalance even death can result.
Performance Boost & Preworkout Fluid Load
One may also consider a prework out fluid load with IV hydration loaded with vitamins before your work out or exercise. Some feel the vitamins increase endurance , energy and stamina. One thing we do know is in a nutritionally depleted individual, athletic performance will be off. Order an after work out or before workout sports IV the choice is yours.
Proactive health is just plain smart. Boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, clear the fog and clean out your body with IV Vitamin therapy.
Book Sports IV $375.00 Duration 1 Hour